Thursday, August 27, 2009

Late Night Worrying

Ok so I'm sitting here and it's past my bedtime. But someone was supposed to call me tonight and has not done so. I wouldn't be "worrying" (hence the title) except that this is very atypical of said person. As I sit here and analyze what happened I tend to think the worst (you can thank my mother for this trait). I do, indeed, hope that it's just a case of the "oops I forgot or oops I got tired" excuse. I, knowing myself, will still be upset but I will realize that there are more important things in life to be concerned about. So I'm going to pray:

Please, Lord, take hold of my thoughts as my mind is wandering in places I just would rather not go ... you are my refuge, my strength, my comfort in times like this. Please cover me with your peace and wash over me like sun on a bright day. I take heart knowing you are in control and you will not cause me to endure anything that you are not prepared to walk me through. Dry my tears and calm my nerves, help me to cling to you and know you are with me always. Thank you, Jesus, for your crazy love for me in that while I was still a sinner (and am to this day) you gave up your life for me. Help me to fall in love with you more each day and when I don't love you I want to love, so help me on those days to try even harder. You are my one desire - everything else in life is granted to us because you love us so much and want the very best for your children. Allow me to always remember that truth!


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